Orange County Business Council (OCBC)

OCBC 2024 Sacramento Advocacy Trip

March 18-19, 2024

Join Orange County Business Council and make the voice of business heard as OCBC advocates for Orange County and continues to advance economic development, workforce, infrastructure and housing priorities for the nation’s sixth largest county.

Orange County Business Council (OCBC)

OCBC 2024 Sacramento Advocacy Trip

March 18-19, 2024

Join OCBC’s Sacramento Advocacy Trip March 18-19, 2024. Led by OCBC President and CEO, Jeff Ball, and OCBC’s Government Affairs team, this trip offers attendees the opportunity to meet with legislative leaders and to help shape policies that impact workforce, infrastructure, housing and other important issues to the business community of the nation’s sixth largest county. Space is limited and this trip will sell out, so be sure to save your spot!

OCBC 2024 Legislative Day

July 31, 2024

Sold Out! Waiting list open. Join OCBC as Orange County’s legislative representatives at the state and federal levels share updates and participate in panels discussing workforce, infrastructure, housing and economic development issues impacting Orange County.