2023 Legislators of the Year Announced by Orange County Business Council

2023 OCBC Legislative Scorecard Measures OC Elected Leaders on Business Priorities IRVINE, CA (October 26, 2023) — Orange County Business Council (OCBC) today announced its 2023 Legislators of the Year—Senators Janet Nguyen and Kelly Seyarto, and Assemblymembers Laurie Davies, Diane Dixon, Kate Sanchez and Tri Ta. The six leaders were honored for representing Orange County’s business priorities in Sacramento, and scored highest among their peers on the Orange County Business Council 2023 Legislative Scorecard. OCBC’s annual Legislative Scorecard measures and compares how well Orange County’s elected leaders in the State Legislature aligned with OCBC’s policy priorities, including its core initiatives of economic development, workforce, housing and infrastructure. OCBC identified 17 bills as most critical to Orange County’s business community and regional economy. Senators Nguyen (36th District, Huntington Beach), and Seyarto (32nd District, Yorba Linda), aligned with OCBC on 11 out of 12 votes; while Assemblymembers Davies (74th District, San Clemente), Dixon (72nd District, Newport Beach), Sanchez (71st District, Mission Viejo), and Ta (70th District, Garden Grove), aligned with OCBC 100% of the time on 15 votes each. “It’s my privilege to recognize and thank Senators Nguyen and Seyarto and Assemblymembers Davies, Dixon, Sanchez and Ta for their dedicated service to Orange County,” said Orange County Business Council President and CEO Jeffrey Ball. “OCBC commends their commitment to advancing economic development in our region.” OCBC’s annual Legislative Scorecard is a tool that holds elected officials accountable for how they represent the business sector of the nation’s sixth most populous county. In this most recent legislative cycle, OCBC continued to oppose and advocate for sustainable policies. Of the bills that OCBC opposed, 69% were killed in the legislature, while 38% of the bills supported by OCBC were signed into law, leading to a 55% overall success rate. To view the 2023 Orange County Business Council Legislative Scorecard, visit ocbc.org.   About Orange County Business Council For over 25 years, Orange County Business Council (OCBC) has been representing and promoting the region’s business community together with government and academia to enhance Orange County’s economic development. The Council’s core initiatives include advocating for adequate investment in regional and statewide infrastructure, education development that leads to a competitive workforce, advocating for a range of housing, and developing pro-business solutions that lead to economic growth. Member organizations include businesses and local organizations representing a diverse cross section of industries including biomedical, construction, education, financial services, health care, manufacturing, municipalities, nonprofit, real estate, technology, tourism, transportation, real estate and utilities. For more information, visit ocbc.org.

Nationally Acclaimed CSUF Economists: Recession Postponed, Not Completely Canceled

29th Annual Economic Forecast Conference co-hosted by CSUF and OCBC ANAHEIM, CA (October 20, 2023) — California State University, Fullerton (CSUF) economists Dr. Anil Puri and Dr. Mira Farka described the economy—locally and nationally—as resilient, yet complex at the 29th Annual Economic Forecast Conference on October 19 in Anaheim. A collaboration of CSUF and Orange County Business Council (OCBC), the conference marked the release of the 2024 CSUF Economic Forecast Report. Economists Dr. Puri and Dr. Farka attributed the complex landscape to mixed signals. One example being how soft landings and recessions are virtually indistinguishable. “Looking under the hood” to take a deeper look suggests that data itself is also complex, they shared. More than 425 guests attended the 29th Annual Economic Forecast Conference. Dr. Anil Puri is the director of the Woods Center for Economic Analysis and Forecasting at CSUF and Dr. Mira Farka, a Professor of Economics, serves as the Co-director of the Woods Center for Economic Analysis and Forecasting at CSUF. Puri, who has served as dean of the College of Business and Economics at CSUF, most recently served as CSUF’s interim provost and vice president of academic affairs. Farka has been published in academic journals and is a nationally recognized economist for the accuracy of her forecasts. Title sponsor of the 29th Annual Economic Forecast Conference was Farmers & Merchants Bank. About Orange County Business Council For over 25 years, Orange County Business Council (OCBC) has been representing and promoting the region’s business community together with government and academia to enhance Orange County’s economic development. The Council’s core initiatives include advocating for adequate investment in regional and statewide infrastructure, education development that leads to a competitive workforce, advocating for a range of housing, and developing pro-business solutions that lead to economic growth. Member organizations include businesses and local organizations representing a diverse cross section of industries including biomedical, construction, education, financial services, health care, manufacturing, municipalities, nonprofit, real estate, technology, tourism, transportation, real estate and utilities. For more information, visit ocbc.org.   Photo caption: Pictured at her first OCBC/CSUF Economic Forecast Conference October 19, 2023 is new Cal State Fullerton President Dr. Sylvia A. Alva, second from left, with (left to right) CSUF economist Dr. Anil Puri, economist Dr. Mira Farka, OCBC President and CEO Jeff Ball and Dean of the College of Business and Economics Dr. Sridhar Sundaram.

Law Enforcement, Fire and Health Care Workers Honored at Orange County Business Council’s First Responders Dinner

IRVINE, CA (September 13, 2023) — Nearly 200 community and business leaders gathered at the 2023 First Responders Dinner hosted by Orange County Business Council on September 12th. The inaugural event in Anaheim recognized nine first responder organizations in law enforcement, fire and health care that protect and serve the businesses, residents and visitors of Orange County. Their commitment makes it possible for Orange County to be an economic leader in the state and the nation’s sixth largest county. Presenters also acknowledged the 22nd anniversary of 9-11 and the recent response to the shooting at Cook’s Corner in Trabuco Canyon. 2023 honoree organizations and their stories below: Be Well Orange County—Samantha Cabrera, Crisis Intervention Specialist, Garden Grove HOPE Team

2023 Health Care Forum Panelists Share Same Concerns About Staffing, Technology and More at 5th Annual Health Care Forum

Orange County Business Council hosts panel of leading Orange County health care executives IRVINE, CA (August 17, 2023) — CEOs and top executives from Orange County hospitals and health care systems discussed continuing investments, innovations in care and research, and critical issues impacting the nation’s sixth largest county at the fifth annual Orange County Business Council (OCBC) Health Care Forum, “Orange County: Innovating Health Care” August 16 in Newport Beach. Panelists included President and Chief Executive Officer of MemorialCare Barry Arbuckle, Ph.D., Senior Vice President and Chief Clinical Institutes Officer of Hoag Teresa Conk, Chief Nurse Executive of Kaiser Permanente Orange County Dr. Wendy Cortez, Chief Executive of Providence, South Division and OCBC board member Laureen Driscoll, Chief Executive Officer of UCI Health Chad Lefteris, and President of City of Hope Orange County Annette M. Walker, M.H.A. Chief Administrative Officer of City of Hope Orange County and OCBC board member Annette Morgan, MBA was the title sponsor presenter. Panelists discussed the risks and benefits of AI in healthcare. For physicians, panelists don’t believe that AI will take away doctors’ jobs. In fact, they’re finding that AI is reducing doctor fatigue, for instance. On the patient side, AI is providing early detection for multiple conditions. And, while AI also improves documentation and administrative work, the consequences of risks must be weighed carefully if AI is to align with the human element. As for how the health care industry continues to respond to the labor shortage, executives agreed that hospitals and systems must remain creative, such as offering positions on the spot at job fairs. The most concerning intersection of all, however, was the lack of affordable housing for workers. The work that many do in hospitals is not easy work, yet to tack on a long commute is troublesome. In the end, panelists agreed that theirs is a humanity business where caring is at the core. Title sponsor of the 2023 Health Care Forum was City of Hope Orange County. Platinum sponsor was Hoag, while gold sponsors included CalOptima Health, Kaiser Permanente, MemorialCare, Providence, and UCI Health; silver sponsors included American Career College-West Coast University, Chapman University and CHOC. About Orange County Business Council For over 25 years, Orange County Business Council (OCBC) has been representing and promoting the region’s business community together with government and academia to enhance the economic development of the nation’s sixth largest county. The Council’s core initiatives include advocating for adequate investment in regional and statewide infrastructure, education development that leads to a competitive workforce, advocating for a range of housing, and developing pro-business solutions that lead to sustainable economic growth. Members include businesses and local organizations representing a diverse cross section of industries including biomedical, construction, education, financial services, health care, manufacturing, municipalities, nonprofit, real estate, technology, tourism, transportation, real estate and utilities. For more information, visit ocbc.org. Media Contact: Lizz Mishreki, APR Vice President of Communications Orange County Business Council [email protected]

OCBC Welcomes New Board Member

Dr. Michael J. Beals of Vanguard University Joins Orange County Business Council Board of Directors IRVINE, CA (August 4, 2023) — Orange County Business Council (OCBC) announced today that Dr. Michael J. Beals, President of Vanguard University in Costa Mesa, has joined OCBC’s Board of Directors. “I am honored to have this community leader join our board of directors. His insights and talents will be invaluable for the Business Council as we continue to advance our infrastructure, workforce, housing, and economic development initiatives,” said Jeffrey Ball, President and CEO of OCBC. Prior to being named the 10th President of Vanguard University, Beals served in various leadership roles at Vanguard including assistant professor of Philosophical Theology and Christian Ethics and Dean of Spiritual Formation. An alumnus of Vanguard, Beals brings 40 years of experience in higher education to the private faith-based institution. After earning his Bachelor’s degree from Vanguard, Beals earned an M.A. in Church Leadership also from Vanguard, and a second M.A. in Biblical Studies and Theology, as well as a PhD in Christian ethics, both from Fuller Theological Seminary. Vanguard University was recently accepted as a provisional member of the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) Division II. About Orange County Business Council For over 25 years, Orange County Business Council (OCBC) has been representing and promoting the region’s business community together with government and academia to enhance the economic development of the nation’s sixth largest county. The Council’s core initiatives include advocating for adequate investment in regional and statewide infrastructure, education development that leads to a competitive workforce, advocating for a range of housing, and developing pro-business solutions that lead to sustainable economic growth. Members include businesses and local organizations representing a diverse cross section of industries including biomedical, construction, education, financial services, health care, manufacturing, municipalities, nonprofit, real estate, technology, tourism, transportation, real estate and utilities. For more information, visit ocbc.org. Media Contact: Lizz Mishreki, APR Vice President of Communications Orange County Business Council [email protected]

OCBC Welcomes New Board Members

Dr. Henrik Cronqvist, Laureen Driscoll, MBA, MSN, RN, NE-BC and Steven Oh Join Orange County Business Council Board of Directors IRVINE, CA (May 12, 2023) — Orange County Business Council (OCBC) announced today that Dr. Henrik Cronqvist, the Robert J. and Carolyn A. Waltos Dean and Professor of Finance at Chapman University George L. Argyros School of Business and Economics, Laureen Driscoll, MBA, MSN, RN, NE-BC, Interim Chief Executive at Providence, south division and Steven Oh, Senior Vice President of Development at Related California, have joined OCBC’s Board of Directors. “I am honored to have these community leaders join our board of directors. Their insights and talents will be invaluable for the Business Council as we continue to advance our infrastructure, workforce, housing, and economic development initiatives,” said Jeffrey Ball, President and CEO of OCBC. Award-winning and internationally recognized researcher and author, Dr. Henrik Cronqvist is the Robert J. and Carolyn A. Waltos Dean and Professor of Finance at Chapman University’s George L. Argyros School of Business and Economics. Cronqvist, who has developed business cases and simulation models and led executive education programs in the U.S., Asia, and Latin America, serves as a consultant to corporations, investment firms, banks, and law firms. As the Interim Chief Executive for Providence, south division, Laureen Driscoll oversees 17 hospitals in Northern and Southern California, along with numerous medical offices, clinics and specialty care facilities. Driscoll’s previous experience includes serving as the organization’s Regional Chief Executive for Northern California, President of Tacoma General and Allenmore Hospitals and Vice President of Operations at MultiCare. With 15 years of experience at Related, Steven Oh is the Senior Vice President of Development for Related California where he is responsible for managing mixed-use developments in Northern and Southern California. During his time, he has overseen the execution of more than $1.5 billion of completed developments and $3 billion in pre-development, which includes the $1 billion The Grand LA and Related Bristol, a $3 billion planned development set to offer residential housing and retail across from South Coast Plaza. About Orange County Business Council For over 25 years, Orange County Business Council (OCBC) has been representing and promoting the region’s business community together with government and academia to enhance Orange County’s economic development. The Council’s core initiatives include advocating for adequate investment in regional and statewide infrastructure, education development that leads to a competitive workforce, advocating for a range of housing, and developing pro-business solutions that lead to economic growth. Member organizations include businesses and local organizations representing a diverse cross section of industries including biomedical, construction, education, financial services, health care, manufacturing, municipalities, nonprofit, real estate, technology, tourism, transportation, real estate and utilities. For more information, visit ocbc.org. Media Contact: Lizz Mishreki, APR Vice President of Communications Orange County Business Council [email protected]


“Invest in OC Economic Development” honorees named IRVINE, CA (March 3, 2023) — The Orange County Business Council (OCBC) installed its 2023 Board of Directors at its annual dinner on March 2 at the Disneyland Hotel in Anaheim. Over 600 Orange County business and community leaders were on hand to recognize the contributions of outgoing 2022 Board Chair Dave Bartlett of Brookfield Properties and to welcome incoming 2023 Board Chair Jodi Duva of Cox Business. The evening also recognized Orange County organizations investing in the economic development of the nation’s sixth largest county. Honorees of the “Invest in OC Economic Development” award included City of Hope Orange County for its Lennar Foundation Cancer Center currently under construction, Dana Point Harbor’s revitalization project, FivePoint for its Great Park Neighborhoods, ocV!BE, a mixed-use master-planned community and entertainment destination in Anaheim, Related California for its new development in Santa Ana featuring retail, residential and senior living and hotel rooms across from South Coast Plaza, and UCI Health for its new hospital under construction on the university’s campus in Irvine. The Honorable Young Kim U.S. Representative (CA-40) opened the evening with the flag salute followed by Concordia University Irvine President Michael Thomas giving the invocation. The evening also marked the release of Orange County Business Council’s 2023 annual report. OCBC board members represent a broad sector of industries from biomedical, construction, education, financial services, health care, manufacturing, municipalities, nonprofit, real estate, technology, tourism, transportation and utilities. New board members installed and current board members taking new positions include: Chair, Board of Directors: Jodi Duva, Vice President, Cox Business, California Chair Elect: Kevin Haboian, Chief Business Development Officer, Senior Vice President, HNTB Corporation Treasurer: Rebecca Hall, APR, President and CEO, Idea Hall Immediate Past Chair: Dave Bartlett, Vice President, Land Entitlement and Housing Development, Brookfield Properties Development Julianna Barnes, Ed.D, Chancellor, South Orange County Community College District Loreen Driscoll, Interim CEO, Providence Southern California Jill Dunn, Lead Corporate Affairs Advisor, Chevron Products Company Ricardo Lorenzana, Dean, School of Extended Education, University of Massachusetts Global Steven Oh, Sr. Vice President, Development, Related California Manishi Parikh, Region Bank President, Orange County Region, Wells Fargo & Company Brenda Rose, Region Manager, Middle Market Banking, OC, IE, JP MorganChase Payman Roshan, Senior Vice President and Area Manager, Kaiser Permanente Orange County Cedric Williams, Chief Safety Officer, Southern California Gas Company Continuing board members include: President, CEO and Secretary: Jeff Ball, President and Chief Executive Officer, Orange County Business Council Michael Balsamo, Senior Vice President, Government Relations, Rancho Mission Viejo Juan Basombrio, Esq., Partner and Chair, International Group, Dorsey & Whitney, LLP Shari Battle, Senior Vice President, Market Executive Orange County, Bank of America Robert Bein, Special Representative Psomas Nina Boyd, Deputy Superintendent, Operations, Government and Community Partnerships, Orange County Department of Education Brian Calle, Chief Executive Officer and Publisher, Irvine Weekly, LA Weekly and the Village Voice Cathy Capaldi, Sr. Vice President, Business Development and Marketing, MemorialCare Health System Les Card, Principal, LSA Associates, Inc. Larry Chung, Vice President, Local Public Affairs, Southern California Edison Lisa Haines, Vice President, Communications and Public Affairs, Disneyland Resort Ron Hasse, President and Publisher, Southern California News Group and The Orange County Register John Heffernan, External Affairs, AT&T Joseph C. Hensley, Orange County Market Leader, U.S. Bank Brian Hervey, CFRE, CGPP, Vice Chancellor, University Advancement and Alumni Relations, President UCI Foundation, University of California, Irvine Susan Hori, Esq., Partner, Land Use, Manatt, Phelps and Phillips, LLP Michael Hunn, Chief Executive Officer, CalOptima Jena Jensen, VP, Chief Advocacy & Public Policy Officer, CHOC Darrell Johnson, Chief Executive Officer, Orange County Transportation Authority Don Kennedy, Senior Vice President National Agency, First American Title Company Diana Kot, Vice President, Membership Development and Advocacy, SchoolsFirst Federal Credit Union Dave LeCause, General Manager, Anterior Segment, U.S. Eye Care, Allergan, an AbbVie Company Abigail Lovell, Chief Sustainability Officer, Experian, North America Kurt MacNeil, Director, Building & Systems Engineering, West Region, United Parcel Service, South California District Robert (RJ) Mayer, Jr., Chairman and Chief Operation Officer, The Mayer Corporation Felipe Monroig, Senior Director, State Government Affairs, Charter Communications Annette Morgan, MBA, Chief Administrative Officer, City of Hope Orange County Eric Morgan, Vice President, Community Affairs, FivePoint Holdings, LLC Robbin Narike Preciado, Regional President and Managing Director, Community Banking, Union Bank David A. Robinson, Esq., Partner, Holland & Knight LLP Benjamin Rubin, Esq., Partner, Land Use and Environmental, Nossaman LLP Greg Saks, Vice President, University Advancement and Executive Director, CSUF Philanthropic Foundation, California State University, Fullerton William Shopoff, President and CEO, Shopoff Realty Investments, L.P. Kathy Sieck, Esq., Sr. Vice President and General Counsel, Automobile Club of Southern California Daniele Struppa, Ph.D., President, Chapman University Nicole Suydam, President and Chief Executive Officer, Goodwill of Orange County Mark Taylor, Director, National Strategy and Engagement California, The Boeing Company Michael A. Thomas, Ph.D., President, Concordia University Irvine David Warner, Vice President, Southern California District Leader, WSP, USA Anthony C. Williams, J.D., Director, Public Policy, Amazon The 2023 annual dinner and installation of the board of directors was made possible by title sponsor Farmers & Merchants Bank and VIP reception sponsor Amazon. About Orange County Business Council For over 25 years, Orange County Business Council (OCBC) has been representing and promoting the region’s business community together with government and academia to enhance the economic development of the nation’s sixth largest county, Orange County. The Council’s initiatives include advocating for adequate investment in regional and statewide infrastructure, education development that leads to a competitive workforce, advocating for a supply and range of housing, and developing pro-business solutions that lead to economic growth. Member organizations include businesses and local organizations representing a diverse cross section of industries including biomedical, construction, education, financial services, health care, manufacturing, municipalities, nonprofit, real estate, technology, tourism, transportation, real estate and utilities. For more information, visit ocbc.org. Media Contact: Lizz Mishreki, APR Vice President of Communications Orange County Business Council [email protected]


IRVINE, CA (February 6, 2023) — The Orange County Business Council (OCBC) will install its 2023 Board of Directors at its Annual Dinner on Thursday, March 2, 2023, from 5-8 p.m. at the Disneyland Hotel in Anaheim. Nearly 700 Orange County business and community leaders are expected to attend.                 The event will mark the installation of incoming 2023 Chair Jodi Duva of Cox Communications while recognizing the contributions of outgoing 2022 Board Chair Dave Bartlett of Brookfield Properties. About 50 community and business leaders representing industry sectors such as housing, healthcare, tourism, hospitality, academia, transportation, engineering, construction, life sciences, energy, telecommunications, and banking will take their oath as they are installed on the Board of Directors for the 2023 calendar year.                 Individual and group tickets are available at ocbc.org. About Orange County Business Council For over 25 years, Orange County Business Council (OCBC) has been representing and promoting the region’s business community together with government and academia to enhance Orange County’s economic development. The Council’s core initiatives include advocating for adequate investment in regional and statewide infrastructure, education development that leads to a competitive workforce, advocating for a range of housing, and developing pro-business solutions that lead to economic growth. Member organizations include businesses and local organizations representing a diverse cross section of industries including biomedical, construction, education, financial services, health care, manufacturing, municipalities, nonprofit, real estate, technology, tourism, transportation, real estate and utilities. For more information, visit ocbc.org. Media Contact: Lizz Mishreki, APR Vice President of Communications Orange County Business Council [email protected]


Manishi Parikh, Brenda Rose and Payman Roshan Join Orange County Business Council Board of Directors IRVINE, CA (Jan. 19, 2023) — Orange County Business Council (OCBC) announced today that Manishi Parikh, Market Executive for Wells Fargo in Orange County, Brenda Rose, Executive Director and Market Manager for Business Banking in Orange County at JP Morgan Chase, and Payman Roshan, Senior Vice President and Area Manager of Kaiser Permanente Orange County in Southern California have joined OCBC’s Board of Directors. “I am honored to have these community leaders join our board of directors. Their insights and talents will be invaluable for the Business Council as we continue to advance our infrastructure, workforce, housing, and economic development initiatives,” said Jeffrey Ball, President and CEO of OCBC. With over 23 years of banking experience, Manishi Parikh serves the financial needs of commercial customers with annual sales ranging from $20 million to $2 billion. Parikh has been a loan team manager and recently served as the Loan Supervisor for the Orange County and San Diego markets. Additionally, she is on the board of the Second Harvest Food Bank and serves as a member of the UCI CEO Executive Roundtable. As the Executive Director and Market Manager for Business Banking in Orange County at JP Morgan Chase, Brenda Rose leads six diverse teams of Business Relationship Managers focused on building relationships with small business owners to identify and address their needs. Rose has served on the advisory boards of the Small Business Development Center, the Business Executive Council, the Boys and Girls Club and the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. Overseeing two Kaiser Foundation Hospitals and more than twenty medical office buildings serving nearly 600,000 members throughout Orange County, Payman Roshan is the Senior Vice President and Area Manager of Kaiser Permanente (KP) Orange County in Southern California. His experience includes serving as Regional Director of Clinical Technology, Assistant Medical Center Administrator and Chief Operating Officer of the KP Baldwin Park Medical Center. About Orange County Business Council For over 25 years, Orange County Business Council (OCBC) has been representing and promoting the region’s business community together with government and academia to enhance the economic development of the nation’s sixth largest county. The Council’s core initiatives include advocating for adequate investment in regional and statewide infrastructure, education development that leads to a competitive workforce, advocating for a supply and range of housing, and developing pro-business solutions that lead to economic growth. Members include businesses and local organizations representing a diverse cross section of industries including biomedical, construction, education, financial services, health care, manufacturing, municipalities, nonprofit, real estate, technology, tourism, transportation, real estate and utilities. For more information, visit ocbc.org. Media Contact: Lizz Mishreki, APR Vice President of Communications Orange County Business Council [email protected]


Dr. Julianna Barnes, Ricardo Lorenzana and Eric Morgan Join Orange County Business Council Board of Directors IRVINE, CA (Dec. 2, 2022) — Orange County Business Council (OCBC) announced today that Julianna Barnes, Ed.D., Chancellor of South Orange County Community College District (SOCCCD), Ricardo Lorenzana, dean of the School of Extended Education at the University of Massachusetts Global (UMG), and Eric Morgan, Vice President of Community Affairs at Irvine-based FivePoint Holdings, LLC have joined OCBC’s Board of Directors. “I am honored to have these community leaders join our board of directors. Their insights and talents will be invaluable for the Business Council as we continue to advance our infrastructure, workforce, housing, and economic development initiatives,” said Jeffrey Ball, President and CEO of OCBC. Bringing over 30 years of experience in higher education to her role as Chancellor for SOCCCD, Dr. Julianna Barnes previously served as president of Cuyamaca College, an institution recognized by Excelencia in Education for its diversity and equity initiatives. Dr. Barnes serves on several boards across regional, state and national levels, including Community College League of California and Chief Executive Officers of the California Community Colleges. In addition to being a dean at UMG, Ricardo Lorenzana also serves as the interim Vice Chancellor of Partnerships at the university, where he oversees strategic partnerships that expand access to higher education working with the workforce in corporate, government, military, and nonprofit sectors. Lorenzana works collaboratively across academic and functional areas to ensure sustainable educational solutions for the University’s 12,000 students and partner organizations. As Vice President of Community Affairs at Irvine-based FivePoint Holdings, LLC, Eric Morgan, who brings nearly 30 years of experience in the communications field, is responsible for community engagement and corporate communications of FivePoint’s communities, including Great Park Neighborhoods in Irvine, Valencia in Los Angeles County, and Candlestick and The San Francisco Shipyard in the City of San Francisco. About Orange County Business Council For over 25 years, Orange County Business Council (OCBC) has been representing and promoting the region’s business community together with government and academia to enhance the economic development of the nation’s sixth largest county. The Council’s core initiatives include advocating for adequate investment in regional and statewide infrastructure, education development that leads to a competitive workforce, advocating for a supply and range of housing, and developing pro-business solutions that lead to economic growth. Members include businesses and local organizations representing a diverse cross section of industries including biomedical, construction, education, financial services, health care, manufacturing, municipalities, nonprofit, real estate, technology, tourism, transportation, real estate and utilities. For more information, visit ocbc.org. MEDIA CONTACT:  Lizz Mishreki, APR  Vice President of Communications, Orange County Business Council  [email protected]