Nov 13, 2023
More than 200 community and business leaders gathered at the Hyatt Regency Irvine at a luncheon hosted by OC Forum to be among the first to hear what the 2023-24 Orange County Community Indicators Report revealed. Since 2010, the annual report in collaboration with partners CalOptima Health, First 5 Orange County, Orange County Community Foundation, Orange County United Way, Orange County Business Council has led the production of the report that has served as a tool for assessing the nation’s sixth most populous county. Panelists included, pictured above, from left OCBC Chief Economic Advisor Wallace Walrod, moderator Orange County Business Journal Editor-at-Large Rick Reiff, UCI Health COO Nate Shinagawa, Community Action Partnership OC President and CEO Gregory Scott, Orange County Grantmakers Executive Director Taryn Palumbo, and OCBC President and CEO Jeff Ball who discussed workforce, education, health, and infrastructure and this year’s special feature section on housing barriers.